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Health affects our happiness, the way we see ourselves, the way we connect with others, and the way we perceive and experience our world. Health has a direct impact on our ability to live in every moment. This is why good health is so important and why I help others uncover their human potential to heal. When we are well, it allows  us to show up as the fullest expression of ourselves in this world.


I fundamentally believe in the healing power of nature – the body’s ability to heal itself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually when provided the proper environment and with removing any obstacles in the way of optimal functioning. 


My passion for naturopathic medicine was bred out of treating my own complex health struggles. It was through working with both naturopathic and functional medical doctors that I found answers and began healing. We took a deep dive into my health and found the environment was largely contributing to my health struggles; the external environment (heavy metal toxicity, environmental allergens, and mold), and the internal environment (parasites, chronic viral infections, undiagnosed celiac disease, a dysregulated nervous system, along with hormonal imbalances). 


Trusting my body's ability to heal has allowed me to fully surrender to the process required to bring about change in my life. My exploration to become aligned with my optimal health has sparked a curiosity in the lives of friends and family in my circle. Seeing them have the courage to look deeper and take control of their own health is an incredible thing to witness.


Providing the knowledge and space for my patients to experience the same extraordinary health outcomes is a gift. 


Professional Affiliations



2018, 2022

2018, 2023












College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC), College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA), Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, BC Naturopathic Doctors, and the Alberta Association of Naturopathic Doctors 

Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Calgary

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM Boucher Campus)

Clinical Emergency Procedures - NaturoMedic

Advanced Cardiac Life Support 

Canadian Medical Advisor and Director of Corporate and Public Health Strategy for Nordic Integrative Medicine in Copenhagen, Denmark

Medical Microneedling

Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) Intensive Part A & B -A4M

Autonomic Response Testing - Introduction and intermediate courses

Biooxidative therapies 

Regenerative Injections - prolotherapy, neural therapy, mesotherapy, and perineural injections

Bioidentical Hormones - A4M 

Naturopathic Advanced Cardiac Life Support

Iron Rx. IV Iron Certification Course 

International Institute of Aesthetic Medicine - Cosmetic Neuromodulators


I am a licensed naturopathic doctor in Canada in both British Columbia and Alberta. This means I hold specialized credentials that are strictly regulated under the Health Professions Act. The practice of Naturopathic medicine follows certain scopes of practice -specific to each province -that are of the highest medical standards.


-CNPBC and CNDA certified Acupuncture 

-CNPBC and CNDA certified Physical Manipulation

-CNPBC and CNDA certified IV Nutrient and Injection therapies

-CNPBC and CNDA certified Prolotherapy

-CNPBC certified Prescriptive Authority 

-CNPBC certified Ozone & Biooxidative therapies 


-I love sweating with friends in the community; Strength training in a fitness class is my happy place (in my neon yellow shoes)

-I adore my naked sphynx cat named Thomas -but he thinks he's a dog- and he's inseparable from my partner and it is the sweetest thing

-I grew up in a small town in Alberta called High River - my parents still live in my childhood home and it will always be "home"

-I lived in Copenhagen for a year and travelled to many of my now favourite places 

-I left figure skating for competitive swimming when I was young - I love being in the water 

-I am currently exploring the hobbies of pottery, calligraphy, and soap making 

-I absolutely love to travel and experience the world in complete wonderment - there isn't anything like seeing something for the first time

-Good coffee brings me so much joy

-I went sky dying in Australia and it was truly incredible

-I am gluten free/dairy free and finally okay with being "that" girl 

-I have two sisters and they are my best friends. I just became an auntie to my first nephew 

-My favourite time of the year is summer - if it were summer all year round I would totally be okay with it 

-I cherish quality time over pretty much everything else

-Sleep is my non-negotiable and I prefer 9 hours over 8 

-I am always carrying around my glass water bottle with me 

-I've been in the works of learning Spanish so one day I can live in Spain

-I recently discovered the world of audio books and I've finished 31 books so far this year

-I will always say yes to a green juice

-I love two-stepping to Country music

-I prefer to be barefoot

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