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To understand you and your health as a whole we need to look deeply at your history. Beyond treating your immediate symptoms, I want to understand the "why" behind your symptoms occurring in the first place. In our initial assessment together we'll take the time to go through your health history and generate a medical timeline of your life. This timeline will also include family history and any events that have significantly impacted your life.  Understanding your health in it's entirety will help us to uncover the root cause of your dysfunction and when it started.


A functional approach to your health.


Informed decision making is the cornerstone of my practice. Basic blood labs, advanced functional testing, as well as clinical assessment and pattern recognition allow me to understand where your health is at and how to best support it


I am passionate and committed to providing you with the targeted treatments that you deserve. For the best outcomes, I generally recommend a variety of treatment modalities to my patients, utilizing the entire spectrum of medicine - from eclectic to mainstream.


I have a general medical practice, though I focus on creating strong foundations of health for all of my patients. 


I use the seven key biological systems model to organize and prioritize any health challenges that you are experiencing. Understanding which systems are involved in dysfunction guides treatment strategies as each system has a set of interconnected biological functions, much like a web, that influence each other. 

  1. Improve Gut Health

  2. Boost Brain Power & Mood

  3. Balance Hormones

  4. Enhance Detoxification

  5. Restore Heart Vitality

  6. Optimize Immune Function

  7. Increase Energy Production

Health problems generally comprise all seven biological systems; thus, we address each system as appropriate to manage various health issues. 


I learned this model of thinking through mentorship with a functional medicine doctor. With her 35 years of experience in medicine and her functional training, she provided something that I had been searching for; an all encompassing yet systematic way to approach patient care. 



At the center of the biological systems rests your sense of wellbeing – the spirit.

Lifestyle factors continue to be the bedrock of your health and are always explored in great depth – nutritious food, adequate restful sleep, water intake, movement practices, time spent in nature, stress management, nervous system balancing, and your relationships and social networks. 


I believe that collaboration is the future of good medicine, and it is in the greatest and highest good of most patients to be supported by various health professionals.  Each practitioner brings a unique history of experience and expertise to the table, and with this integrated, team-based approach we can provide the best possible health outcomes for patients. 

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