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-stimulates the body's natural healing response

-reduces pain

-improves mobility and function of joints 

-increase strength of ligaments and tissues 



Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection therapy that induces the rehabilitation of an incomplete structure by stimulating the proliferation of new cells. This proliferation helps the body repair painful areas, overuse or chronic injuries. 

The procedure involves injecting substances that proliferate collagen tissues which are the building blocks of ligaments and tendons.


The injections usually contain both a local anesthetic and dextrose. The dextrose is used to irritate the injected tissue, and this irritation stimulates an inflammatory response in the area and initiates the first part of the healing process. For chronic or old injuries, this allows the wound healing cascade to complete.  


Ligaments are the most common target areas of prolotherapy injections,  although muscles and tendons can also be treated.  Ligaments surround all our joints and are the structure that connect bones.  Ligaments can become overstretched and cause pain because they have a lot of nerve endings. Overtime, ligaments can also become lax from use, trauma and injury.  Tendons connect muscle to bones. 


Anyone experiencing painful symptoms in the lower back or other spinal regions, knees, shoulders, hips or other joints may benefit from prolotherapy treatment. Injections are also useful in areas where there is weakness or excess scar tissue formation. 


Trigger points are small bumps or knots in the muscle that cause pain when they are touched. The action of inserting a needing into a trigger point helps increase blood flow to the muscle, release muscle contraction and reduce inflammation, This will decrease pain, and improve range of motion and function of the muscle. 


The therapeutic use of local anesthetic into autonomic ganglia, scars, glands, triggers points, acupuncture points and other tissues. This is believed to act on the nervous system to normalize illness related dysfunction. In Germany, neural therapy is one of the most commonly used treatment modalities for pain. 

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